6 Characteristics of Effective Personal Ministry (Part 2 of 2)

In the first article of this series, which you can check out here, we covered three of the six characteristics that are necessary to have an effective personal ministry from 2 Corinthians 4. To recap, they were: Resilience, Renounce, and Reveal. Today we will cover the last 2: Remember, and Reason. If we are going to have an effective ministry we must Remember some things. First, … Continue reading 6 Characteristics of Effective Personal Ministry (Part 2 of 2)

6 Characteristics of Effective Personal Ministry (Part 1 of 2)

Before we get started, I’d like to get a couple of things out of the way. #1 I am by no means an expert in any area of ministry, public or personal. #2 The apostle Paul was extremely successful in both sides of ministry. #3 Just because you don’t have a public ministry doesn’t mean you don’t have a personal ministry to your circle of … Continue reading 6 Characteristics of Effective Personal Ministry (Part 1 of 2)

Training or Maintaining?

Through various circumstances, it was recently revealed to me that, in my current station in life, I have simply been maintaining the status quo. Good enough. Getting by. Staying comfortable. Not pushing myself. It is easy to lie to ourselves about what we are accomplishing. It is easy to make excuses for why things should be the way they have always been. When someone asks, … Continue reading Training or Maintaining?

Confronting Legalism – We Need a Revival of Grace and Mercy

Originally posted on Pastor Bryson:
I am not discussing the side of legalism that teaches us to do good works to obtain salvation, but rather the spirit that says, I am a better person because my works are better than yours.  In particular, we see their works are evil and ours are good. The essence of the legalism is pride. A preacher related the story to me that… Continue reading Confronting Legalism – We Need a Revival of Grace and Mercy

The Hypocrisy In Our Sins or 50 Shades and Homosexuality

Hey there everybody, Let me start off by saying that the idea for this post has been silently simmering subconsciously (or subjacent the surface depending on how hard you like your tongue tanglers) for some time. I could never quite figure out how to say it and that is part of the reason for the wait. But the time has come. Please understand that I give … Continue reading The Hypocrisy In Our Sins or 50 Shades and Homosexuality

— Why Great Expectations Are Garbage —

In every situation you will ever face, you will be expecting something from it. From a trip to the DMV, buying your first car, your wedding day, or making a purchase on Amazon. In every one of life’s interactions there will be certain expectations about what is going to happen, how it is going to happen, and why it is going to happen. This expectation is that which makes … Continue reading — Why Great Expectations Are Garbage —